Krisdayanti solid 1000 per cent will be married with Raul Lemos. KD felt no need to permit all with the ex-husband, Anang Hermansyah, to get married with Raul. When the encounter by okezone.com at the Excelsior Cafe, Jalan Radio In Raya, South Jakarta, last Wednesday.
Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos said compact, ready to get married. "I'm ready for one hundred percent. It will be published," said Raul. KD not to be outdone and replied, "my inner Born 1000 percent ready."
Despite equally stable to get married, they have not been able to confirm when the wedding will be held. Because, now that Raul is blocked status is still married to Noor Silvalay Athalia. Raul inaugural session of a divorce and a new Atha will be held at the Dili District Court on August 6, 2010.
Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos said compact, ready to get married. "I'm ready for one hundred percent. It will be published," said Raul. KD not to be outdone and replied, "my inner Born 1000 percent ready."
Despite equally stable to get married, they have not been able to confirm when the wedding will be held. Because, now that Raul is blocked status is still married to Noor Silvalay Athalia. Raul inaugural session of a divorce and a new Atha will be held at the Dili District Court on August 6, 2010.