Venna Melinda pretty and sexy artist famous through television soap operas in Tersanjung 5 RCTI and flattered that the broadcast by Television Indosiar was the wife of Ivan Fadilla Soedjoko, which also Abang Jakarta in 1993. From her marriage was blessed with two children, each Verol Bramasta and Atala Noval.
At the beginning of the year 2010 Venna Melinda Career increasingly steady as the mother of two daughters was nominated a candidate for Regent of Blitar. Venna carried by the Democrats with the support of PKS, Golkar and PKB. Venna Melinda Occurrences name could not be separated from the support of district residents who found this quite good and decent personality as a candidate.
At the beginning of the year 2010 Venna Melinda Career increasingly steady as the mother of two daughters was nominated a candidate for Regent of Blitar. Venna carried by the Democrats with the support of PKS, Golkar and PKB. Venna Melinda Occurrences name could not be separated from the support of district residents who found this quite good and decent personality as a candidate.