Acting for a third time in proving the existence of the wide screen Rini Yulianti in the film world. Women who are familiarly called Yuli This again showed his acting talent in the film Bebek Belur claim Adrianto Sinaga. No half-hearted in his latest film, Yuli dealing with older stars. Call it Didi Petet, Deddy Mizwar, Slamet Rahardjo, Torro Margens, Lilly Artha, Rima Melati, Ida Kusuma, and Jajang C. Noer.
Beautiful girl born in Banjarmasin, July 11, 1985 was beginning his career in the entertainment arena by Cover Girl in 2000. Unfortunately not long after that he must live in Borneo and left his career in the entertainment world.
Currently Yuli also claim to have decided for a career in the entertainment world. "I really enjoy the entertainment world that I live today and I decided to pursue a career in this field without forgetting that I have kenyam education," said the girl who wants to get mad and stressed women role