One of the greatest mistakes that married couples commit is underestimating the importance of spending time together. Once in a while spare a little time with your partner away from noise, children, friends, relatives and other troubles that haunt you on usual days. Make each other feel the way you used to feel shortly just after you had fallen in love. Discuss, share thoughts and talk openly about everything especially about why you care and how you care. Hold each other and look into each others eyes. A simple touch or even a glance can speak more than a million words. There is quote which says- 'Cewek Seksi Telanjang marry men in the expectation that they can change them and men marry women in the expectation that they won't change'. Except for change itself, everything is subject to change, and love too has no exception from it. Men often complain that a few years into the marriage especially after the birth of a child, my wife is interested only in matters of child's health and the family budget. But women on the other hand complain about the insensitivity of men, how they don't value her efforts to run the family, how he takes her for granted and how instead of listening to cewek telanjang, he is stuck with old friends and merry.