Actress Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie will be married on April 1, tomorrow. Nia and Ardi said was prepared to maintain the household. Both also have a concept in their household will undergo.
"God willing, if God will give us both my children will receive. In undergoing this household, I see from my mommy and daddy. Parents become role models," said Ardi when found in Street Ki Mangun Sarkoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday March 30, 2010 night.
In the marriage ceremony later, Ardi said he would give a dowry in the form of a set of tools for Nia prayers. Ardi has its own reasons of the issue.
"After getting married I would be a priest for my family," he said. This couple's wedding will be held on 1 and 2 April. For April 1, this pair will establish marriage contract. In the event the marriage ceremony will take place at the Hotel Mulia, Nia said the atmosphere will be dominated by pastel colors. Nia also has prepared a special outfit to greet the day.
"There were about eight shirt. If it's a color that will dominate in the marriage actually I love all colors but for the marriage contract is more dominated by pastel colors let the atmosphere is supportive," says the beautiful actress.
Diverse range of custom planned wedding will color and Ardi Bakrie Nia Ramadhani. Water-pouring will be performed Nia Ramadhani tomorrow, Wednesday, March 31, 2010, at home in street Things Nia II No. 9, Ciganjur, South Jakarta. (VIVAnews)