The Acts of Manohara Odelia Pinot that similar drama continues scrolling. Manohara's father, George Manz, sending a letter to the husband's manohara, the Sultanate of Kelantan Tengku Prince M Fakhry. United States (U.S.) men's nationality is ready to declare support Fakhry.
"I will support you if I can," said George Manz in his letter for Fakhry dated June 15 as disclosed Malay Mail, Monday (6/7/2009).
In a letter to the Fakhry,Manohara's father uterus attach a photocopy of the birth's letter of Manohara, Manohara first passport from the U.S. and a photocopy of the passport itself. All documents Manohara include Manz name as the name of his family. Pinot does not use, the family name of Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot - husband of Daisy is France Nationality - which is the foster father of Manohara.
George Manz, also suggested waiting for the documents sent by Fakhry. If the document of Manohara's husband who was reported violence in the home (domestic violence) against Manohara was received, Goerge Manz will forward that document to the appropriate authorities in the U.S.
"I will ask the U.S. to take action on the Manohara from Indonesia. I hope there is help," said the man who confessed to be alkoholik after Manohara separated from their children during the age of 2 years.
George Manz close his letter with the expectation that Manohara can expect from Daisy Fajarina that epithet as' Evil Mother '.
"I will support you if I can," said George Manz in his letter for Fakhry dated June 15 as disclosed Malay Mail, Monday (6/7/2009).
In a letter to the Fakhry,Manohara's father uterus attach a photocopy of the birth's letter of Manohara, Manohara first passport from the U.S. and a photocopy of the passport itself. All documents Manohara include Manz name as the name of his family. Pinot does not use, the family name of Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot - husband of Daisy is France Nationality - which is the foster father of Manohara.
George Manz, also suggested waiting for the documents sent by Fakhry. If the document of Manohara's husband who was reported violence in the home (domestic violence) against Manohara was received, Goerge Manz will forward that document to the appropriate authorities in the U.S.
"I will ask the U.S. to take action on the Manohara from Indonesia. I hope there is help," said the man who confessed to be alkoholik after Manohara separated from their children during the age of 2 years.
George Manz close his letter with the expectation that Manohara can expect from Daisy Fajarina that epithet as' Evil Mother '.