Zaskia Sungkar Actress Indonesia

Beginning in 2010, due to its status in the status of social networks, led the news if his relationship with Adly had run aground. Shireen but brushed it off.
Paired with Zaskia Sungkar Men Origin Australia

Did not mate indiscriminately, as it is often spoken proverbs. Although not too far away to know Matt Niholson, artist Zaskia Sungkar feel for each other. And both have a difference of age that are quite far with Australia's northern men.

Zaskia himself admitted was in the process approach with the man he knew then it was early March. "Just a few weeks introduced his friend," he said.
About the age of one, personnel The Sister is not so argue, because his parents Mark and Fanny Sungkar Bauty have 17-year age difference.