Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy Photos. Sarah Azhari and Simon Mcmenemy’s photos were first deployed from twitter account @RaAzhari, Monday, December 20, 2010. The photos were seen, Rahma Azhari used a light blue dress in harmony with McMenemy clothing. Twitter users in Indonesia are excited with the release of the photographs Rahma Azhari with Coach Philippines. In the photo, it looks sticky Rahma once with Simon McMenemy. Simon McMenemy and Rahma Azhari photos become new trending topics in Indonesia. Photo appears in the timeline Twitter Rahma Azhari who is retweet him from one of his friends. Rahma using tight blue dress standing between two men. One is the coach who was so tenderly embracing her body. There is also a second photo. This time McMenemy and Rahma shoulder and embracing another woman. The third photo, only two, Rahma embraced McMenemy. From the time stamp, the image is uploaded on Monday (12/20/2010) early days. The photos were taken at a nightclub in Jakarta after the players and coach the Philippine national team defeated Indonesia. In addition to photographs Coach Philippines, also circulated photographs of the players the Philippines, among others Younghusband brothers.
Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy |